자유게시판 > KOICA 글로벌 서포터즈 WeKO 5기 모집 (~7/5)

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자유게시판 > KOICA 글로벌 서포터즈 WeKO 5기 모집 (~7/5)

KOICA 글로벌 서포터즈 WeKO 5기 모집 (~7/5)

작성자 한정안
작성일 23-06-20 14:48 | 711 | 0



WHO’s Next? Are You NEXT WeKO?

KOICA 글로벌 서포터즈 WeKO 5 모집 시작!

Recruitment of KOICA Global Supporters WeKO 5TH starts now!


모집 기간: 2023 6 16() ~ 7 5(오전 11 (한국 시간 기준)

*WeKO 모집 홈페이지를 통해 지원하실  있습니다.

Recruitment period: June 16 (Fri) ~ July 5, 2023 (Wed) 11:00 AM (KST)

*You can apply via WeKO website


모집 조건 16 이상의 대한민국 국민 혹은 글로벌 시민 (국적직업성별 무관)

Requirements: Any global citizen over the age of 16 (regardless of nationality, gender, occupation)


모집 인원 130

             - 대학() 부문 81 (개인 or  단위 지원)

             - 일반 부문 18 (개인 or  단위 지원)

             - 글로벌 부문 31 (개인 지원)

       *활동 기간  해외에서 거주하는 인원은 글로벌 부문으로 지원 요망

       *오프라인 발대식 (7 21 예정불참  선발에서 제외 (해외 거주 활동자의 경우 온라인 참여 가능)

       *본인 인스타그램 채널 계정 보유 필수

Number of recruitments: 130 people                          

             -  Global: 31 people (As individuals only)

             - College (or graduate school) students: 81 people (As individuals or teams, Only for Koreans)

             - General: 18 people (As individuals or teams, Only for Koreans)

       *If you are living abroad during the WeKO period or have foreign nationality, please apply for Global Sector.

       *Those unable to attend the offline launching ceremony (scheduled for July 21, 2023) will not be eligible. (Supporters living abroad can participate online.)

       *Applicants must have an Instagram account.


활동 내용:

             - /오프라인 KOICA·ODA 홍보

             - WeKO 공식 SNS 채널 콘텐츠 기획  제작

             - KOICA·ODA 사업  홍보채널 모니터링

             - 메타버스를 활용한 KOICA·ODA 홍보 이벤트 진행

             - 전세계와 함께하는 글로벌 캠페인 

Activities as supporters:

             - Online/Offline promotion of KOICA·ODA

             - Creating contents for official WeKO social media

             - Monitoring KOICA·ODA projects and its promotional channels

             - Promoting KOICA·ODA through metaverse

             - Global Campaign with the world citizen, etc


활동 혜택:

             - 최종 수료  수료증 수여

             - 매월 활동비 지급

             - 월별 활동우수팀 시상  포상금 지급

             - 활동우수자 KOICA 홍보 인턴 지원  가점 부여

             - 최종 활동우수자 KOICA 이사장상  상금 수여

             - 글로벌 네트워킹 프로그램 제공

             - KOICA 행사 참여 기회 제공 


             - Certificate awarded upon completion of activities

             - Monthly payment for carrying our activities

           - KOICA Presidential Award and rewards given to the most outstanding supporter at the end of the WeKO period

             - Global networking program

             - ODA overseas field experience

             - Opportunities to participate in KOICA events, etc


문의(Contact us): 서포터즈 운영사무국 (WeKO supporters’ operating office)

             - Tel: +82-2-735-9505 (한국 시간 기준 평일 9~18) *12~13 제외

 (Mon-Fri 9:00 -18:00 (KST), lunch time 12:00 – 13:00)

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